Between 1700-1740, clashes between trekboers and indigenous people led trekboers to move to the top of the Bokveld escarpment. The town came into being in the late 1800s. On the Bokveld escarpment, Nieuwoudtville is known for its unique vegetation, with the biggest variety of indigenous bulbous plants in the world, and the 100m high NieuwoudtvilleFalls on the DoringRiver.
A small town, its warm, sandstone buildings shelter in a well-treed hollow in a flat landscape covered by wheat, heather and proteas. Eight kilometres west of town, VanrhynsPass offers majestic views over the Knersvlakte on the descent to Namakwa's coastal terrace.
Entertainment is an event, performance, or activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation to an audience. The audience may participate in the entertainment passively as in watching opera, or actively as in computer games.